
Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries

Lunch: Been stuffing my face with lots of things found in the cupboard as well as things that I have made.


Breakfast: Oatmeal, blueberries and an apple

Lunch:  Anything in the kitchen cupboards and fridge :3

Dinner: Tuna crack slaw with frozen raspberries in vanilla quark for dessert.

Evening: Lots of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries with whipped cream and a bi of ice cream. I even had some chocolate :O Oh, and cantaloupe melon.


Breakfast: Oatmeal and yoghurt with raspberries

Lunch: Cheese and lots of yoghurt and raspberries

Dinner: Pork, courgette, mushrooms, onion and garlic with powdered ginger, garlic and lemon powder aaaand soy sauce and sesame oil. Success.

Travelling snack: 35g of Balance Stevia Chocolate (milk praline)

Evening: Walnuts and a bit of sour cream


Breakfast: Oatmeal and yoghurt

Dinner: Fried and spiced chickpeas and courgette – with a soup made of onion, mushrooms, garlic, ginger, cream left-overs, 1 can of chopped tomatoes, and stuff…

Evening: Two small portions of yoghurt and raspberries


Breakfast: Oatmeal and yoghurt with raspberries

Lunch: Oatmeal and a bit of cheese

Dinner: This soup, but instead of chicken, I fried some mushrooms and 3 chunks of frozen spinach, and added a bit of ginger powder. Then I made some chickpea garnish spiced with harissa spice, paprika powder and lemon pepper.


Breakfast: Oatmeal and yoghurt with berries

Lunch: Yoghurt with berries… and what’s left of the blueberry jam I made.

Dinner: This, again

Evening: Yoghurt with raspberries


Breakfast: Oatmeal and yoghurt with berries

Lunch: 2x bahjis and strawberries

Dinner: This!

Evening: Rhubarb pudding


Breakfast: Oatmeal and yoghurt with raspberries

Lunch: Same as breakfast

Dinner:  Fried some butternut squash, 1/2 small red onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 100-120g beef mince, lots of frozen spinach, 1-2 tbs tomato puree, and seasoning: 1/2 tps cinnamon, garlic powder, ginger powder, turmeric, and salt+ pepper and 1 tsp curry powder


Breakfast: Cheese crusted omelette

Lunch: strawberries, lots of cheese, sausage/ham and chocolate samples at Borough market. And a handful of cinnamon and chocolate coated hazelnuts

Drink: almond milk with strawberries and raspberries

Dinner: Crack slaw’d tuna


Breakfast: One can of Stabbur-mackerel and yoghurt with raspberries

Lunch: Apple, banana, strawberries and pistachios

Lunch 2: Yoghurt and raspberries

Dinner: Fried veggies